I'm paddling the Murray River from Albury to the Murray mouth in South Australia

I'm paddling the Murray River from Albury to the Murray mouth in South Australia

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mildura and Adelaide

I probably saw close to a hundred kingfisher birds and only about three pelicans. Usually the big birds love the area around Mildura, but this year they are all up in the desert, enjoying a filled up Lake Eyre which last happened 35 years ago! Along the Murray the weather surprised my with a bit of rain just when the sun came out and some more wind just when it seemed to calm down. Only the temperature has settled in at a chili 12 degrees as a daily max. This would no doubt be a perfect hiking temperature. But a kayak acts a little bit like a fridge, with only the upper body moving at a relaxed pace. There is nothing easier than light a camp fire in Australia thanks to the oily gum trees! I appreciated this fact every time I was looking for some warmth, thinking back how we sometimes used to struggle back home to get a fire going in wet conditions!...I wasn't happy at all when I noticed an other infection coming up on the same leg. I can't believe how quickly a little harmless pimple can turn into a serious problem. Still a few days away from Mildura, I had to get there fast! I pulled over where my map showed a tiny settlement and was lucky to find help full people who wanted to get into town anyway and gave me a lift to 50km away Mildura. Antibiotics again. Game over. Jess's parents offered to pick me up next day and now I'm back in Adelaide, a bit earlier than planned. Not decided yet if I'll go back when it gets warmer. what ever way, it was an amazing journey I will never forget! I hope u enjoyed my blog and wish you all a nice time!

Remains of an abandoned steamboat

Last morning mist disapearing

Time to set up camp



Peacefull evening