I'm paddling the Murray River from Albury to the Murray mouth in South Australia

I'm paddling the Murray River from Albury to the Murray mouth in South Australia

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Barham to Swan Hill

...I ended up reading two books in Barham, which I count as a new personal reading reckord! But there is a reason: the oral antibiotics I got given for my infected leg didnt do the job, so I had to go to hospital to get intraveneuse (dont know about the spelling...) treatment. I must say I actually quite enjoied the 5 days at the hospital, where I got fed like a turkey before xmas and had a warm bed and free accommodation! The lovely staff looked after their only patient so well, that I was sad to leave once my leg was better! Another hand full nights I spent at the Barham Hotel, which I can recomend to anyone!(next time I stay I make sure Im not on medis, so I can actually make use of the Pub downstairs, too! The meals are excellent tho!)Thank you very much Kent and staff and owners of the Caravan Park, you all helped me out a lot! After I spent long enough in Barham for every local to recocnise me on the streets, I kept on baddling one sunny day... Two hours before I got to Swan Hill, a gail force rain storm hit me face on, and for a moment I wasnt sure wether Im more scared or delighted about the sudden change of the elements after all this nice weather paddling. I decided for the change and yelled at the storm to bring it on!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lunchbreak: note my sleeves made from iso mat

Paddling in clouds!

Whats the sky and whats the river?

Ready to go soon

Evenings like this reward for a hard day of paddling!

Encounter with a Steam Boat in Echuca

Shortly after I left Echuca the days turned nice agin and with it came the crisp nights and beautiful misty mornings! One day it wouldnt clear up untill 11 am and I felt like paddling around in clouds all morning! My journey brought me passt the Torrumbarry Weir and remote areas leading up to the nice country town of Barham,(3 days away from Swan Hill)which I reached yesterday arvo. Unfortunately my trip is going to stop here for a bit longer than just the usual rest day. I got a nasty absess on my leg over the past days which got treated by a doctor right away once I got here. Well, at least this gives me now time to read the book I bought in Echuca!