I'm paddling the Murray River from Albury to the Murray mouth in South Australia

I'm paddling the Murray River from Albury to the Murray mouth in South Australia

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The first week

Its amazing how much food you can spread out just across the bottom of a shopping trolley and how much it piles up once its packed it bags! Dont wanna know how I gonna put it all in my kayak! After a night in Albury I met Ian from the local Canoe and Kayak club and together we picked up the kayak and brought it down to the river. Thanks Ian, I couldnt have done it on my own! I was shocked to see how low the water level is, eventough I knew its not at its best at the moment. In winter the water is not used for irrigation anymore, so they keep it back behind the dam 30km upstream. Countless times I touched the riverbed and on a number of occasions i got stuck. This first part of the journey was suposed to be the fun part where the river carries one effort less through the countryside, instead i had to paddle from the very first meter! Here I have to say that I actually didnt know how to paddle properly until I insured my rist a few weeks ago in a training session. A quick introduction at the local kayak shop just before I left gave me a theoretic update on my tecknique and thats what I have been working on since I left Albury. The first few days presented a not very exciting view on a half dried out river and casual farmland. Then, leading up to mulwala lake, where the next dam wall builds an imense network of waterways called the everglades, with picturebook senery all around, I really enyoied my self! Next to the always present cokatoos and waterbirds, a kingfisher and eagle crossed my way aswell! And a turtle. After my first 210km on the river I yesterday reached Yarrawonga where I had a wellcomming arrival thanks to the friendly lady from the Tourist Information Center who lets me stay with her family! After freezing nights in the tent a hot shower and a warm bed felt priceless! Thanks Helen and Noll!

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