I'm paddling the Murray River from Albury to the Murray mouth in South Australia

I'm paddling the Murray River from Albury to the Murray mouth in South Australia

Friday, May 28, 2010

Rest day in Echuca

I'm in Echuca hiding away from the rain. According to the news on TV its the best start into the crop season for decades! which means, it hasnt been raining that much in ages! All went well between Yarrawonga and here. I usually get up well before sunrise to be on the water between 7 and 8. Since it's dark again at 6, I usualy paddle for most of the day to cover some distance. I aime for around 35km daily. At Corowa I stopped to fill up water and to get a fully waterproof jacket. There were guys standing around the Rowing Club shed, so I went to ask them for directions.A sunday morning jogging group had just finished their training. One guy was kind enough to take my to the shops by car, all closed on a sunday, so he offered his bike jacket to me - it which was far to small. So another dude went home to check his wardrobe for a suitable pice, while I ended up with a long neck of VB like the rest of the group at 10 in the morning! Paddling never felt easier than after that beer!(Was tempted to fill up my camelpack with it in future;-)before I left, the Joggers gave me a pair of wool padded mocasins and a bag of juicy mandarins for the way! What a bunch of awesome guys!


  1. BEER at 10 am ! You are a true aussie piss tank.

  2. You only had one beer
    I hope you stay dry
