I'm paddling the Murray River from Albury to the Murray mouth in South Australia

I'm paddling the Murray River from Albury to the Murray mouth in South Australia

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


One day at work the idee came up to paddle the Murray River in a kayak. Since then I have spent countless hours on the internet and have spent just as many hours in the local outdoor shop! The Murray is australias biggest river. From its source in the aussie alps it winds its way 2500km to the mouth in SA near Adelaide. i will start at the base of the mountains in Albury, from where 2200km will be waiting for me. Around the year 1850 the first steamboats made their way upstream. it was the first traiding route untill the railway took over at the turn of the century. Although i will be very remote for some of my trip, there will always be a bit of history accompany me along my way. Every few km there will be a sign indicating the remaining distance to the mouth. Enough talking now! My 5.2m long sea kayak is already on its way to Albury and in 24h I will be on the train with the rest of my gear! Hopefully I gonna be able to keep you updated throghout my journey with nice photographs and interesting stories! You are always welcome to join for a paddle down the beautiful Murray or to hang out around the campfire. On top of my existing mobile no(0432 418 402) I will have an extra one providing better reception (0437 497 420)


  1. Hey Dani - happy paddle!

    Trust me, I would like to join you during your trip - the only problems are - as usual - time and money! I wish you only the best for this expedition! How long do you thing you need for? 4 months? Are there crocodiles along the river?

    Take care and enjoy your time on the water!

    All the best out of switzerland!


  2. Hey Philip! I thought you might like to come along! well, I hope to finish after two month. It all depends on what there is to see and do along the way. There are no crocs in the river, luckily they only life in the northern parts of the country!
    have a nice time
